Ph.D. in English, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2020
M.A. in Liberal Studies, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2013
B.A. in English, Cinema Studies, and Jewish Studies, Oberlin College, 2011
Teaching Experience
Hostos Community College, CUNY
Assistant Professor of English, 2020-present
ENG 10: Accelerated Writing Skills
ENG 100: Integrated Reading and Composition
ENG 110: Expository Writing
ENG 111: Literature and Composition
ENG 213: Shakespeare
The City College of New York, CUNY
Adjunct Lecturer, 2018-19
ENG 25000: Introduction to Literary Study
ENG 36602: British and Irish Modernism
ENG 36603: Literature and Suicide
ENG 38105: Modern Drama II
ENG 39203: The Political Novel
Lehman College, CUNY
Adjunct Lecturer, 2016-19
Graduate Teaching Fellow (Instructor of Record), 2014-18
ENG 111: Composition I
ENG 121: Composition II
ENG 222: Literary Genres
ENG 226: Shakespeare
ENG 303: English Literature II: Romantic through Modern
ENG 322: Modernism
Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
Adjunct Lecturer, 2015-16
ENG 101: English Composition
ENG 201: Introduction to Literature
Selected Publications
The Dead Cannot Reply: Suicide in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century English Literature. Under contract with Bloomsbury. Forthcoming, expected August 2026.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
“The Gospel of the Death Drive: Blood Knowledge and Suicide in D.H. Lawrence’s Women in Love.” The D.H. Lawrence Review 44.2 (2019 [published 2022]): 67-87. Print.
“Whispering Together in the Dark: Rereading Samuel Beckett’s Homosociality through Harold Pinter.” The Harold Pinter Review: Essays on Contemporary Drama 2.1 (2018): 107-117. Print.
“A Reader’s Beheading: Nabokov’s Invitation and Authorial Utopia.” Nabokov Studies 13 (2014/15): 53-93. Print.
Book Reviews
Marjorie Garber, Shakespeare in Bloomsbury. Woolf Studies Annual 30 (2024): 251-253. Print.
Hugh Chignell, British Radio Drama, 1945-63. Theatre Journal 73.4 (December 2021): 587-588. Print.
Hermione Lee, Tom Stoppard: A Life. Comparative Drama 55.1 (Spring 2021): 120-122. Print.
Leo Braudy, Haunted: On Ghosts, Witches, Vampires, Zombies, and Other Monsters of the Natural and Supernatural Worlds. Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 27.3 (2016): 515-518. Print.
Invited Talks
“Common Graves: The ‘Sensational Suicide Story’ of Victorian Print Media.” Faculty Reading Series. Hostos Community College. Bronx, NY. October 2021.
“Teaching with Digital Technologies and Writing for Public Audiences.” Experts among Us. Lehman College. March 2019.
“Moles and Men: ‘Second Best’ and the Hazards of Creative Destruction.” International D.H. Lawrence Conference. Mexico City, Mexico. August 2025.
“Catch Me If You Can: Virginia Woolf and the Suicidal Character.” International Conference on Virginia Woolf. East Sussex, England. July 2025.
“A Barbarous Form of Incest: Parker Finn’s Smile and Suicide Contagion.” Midwest Modern Language Association Conference. Chicago, IL. November 2024.
“The Dead Cannot Reply: Émile Durkheim, the British Detective Novel, and the Sociology of Suicide.” Modern Language Association Conference. Philadelphia, PA. January 2024.
“The Gospel of the Death Drive: Blood Knowledge and Suicide in D.H. Lawrence’s Women in Love.” International D.H. Lawrence Conference. Taos, New Mexico. July 2022.
“Common Graves: The ‘Sensational Suicide Story’ of Victorian Print Media.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference. Baltimore, MD. March 2022.
“NeMLA’s Publishing Mentorship Program.” Roundtable. Northeast Modern Language Association Conference. Baltimore, MD. March 2022.
“The Dead Cannot Reply: Émile Durkheim, the British Detective Novel, and the Sociology of Suicide.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference. Online. March 2021.
“Archives, Public Writing, and Digital Pedagogy.” CUNY IT Conference. John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY. New York, NY. December 2019.
“The Good Soldier and the Edwardian Disappearance of Death.” Modernist Studies Association Conference. Columbus, OH. November 2018.
“One Might Come to Fruit in Death: D.H. Lawrence, the Death Drive, and Women in Love.” D.H. Lawrence Virtual Conference for Graduate Students. Online. April 2018.
“Durkheim and Freud: Competing Narratives of Suicide.” Northeast Popular/American Culture Association Conference. University of Massachusetts. Amherst, MA. October 2017.
“Whispering Together in the Dark: Rereading Samuel Beckett through Harold Pinter.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. Durham, NC. November 2015.
“Living Among Them: Finding W.G. Sebald in Austerlitz.” Re(presentation): Problematizing Authenticity. St. John’s University. Jamaica, NY. March 2015.
“Norman Mailer’s Jewish Hitler.” The Norman Mailer Society Conference. Wilkes University. Wilkes-Barre, PA. October 2014.
Panel Moderator, “Men’s, Women’s, and Pedagogical Relations.” International D.H. Lawrence Conference. Taos, New Mexico. July 2022.
Panel Moderator, “The Detective, the Artist, and the Professor: Criticism, Genre, and Other Mysteries since Modernism (2).” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference. Online. March 2021.
Panel Moderator, “Blackness and the Law.” Black Lives. The Graduate Center, CUNY. New York, NY. April 2019.
Panel Organizer, “Suicidal Modernisms.” Modernist Studies Association Conference. Columbus, OH. November 2018.
Panel Organizer and Moderator, “Modern Drama.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. Jacksonville, FL. November 2016.
Panel Co-Organizer, “Periodizing the Twentieth Century.” Friday Forum. The Graduate Center, CUNY. New York, NY. September 2015.
Panel Moderator, “Narrating the Traces of Loss.” Trance. The Graduate Center, CUNY. New York, NY. March 2015.
Fellowships, Grants, Awards
Educating for Diversity Grant, Hostos Community College, 2024
MLA Teaching Institute on Reading and Writing at Access-Oriented Institutions Fellowship, Princeton University, 2022
PSC-CUNY Traditional A Research Award, Cycle 52, 2021-22
Calder Prize for the Best Dissertation in Modernism, English Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2019-20
Virginia Hyde Memorial Graduate Fellowship, D.H. Lawrence Society of North America, 2019-20
Adjunct Incubator Research & Development Grant, Center for the Humanities, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2018-19
Presidential Research Fellowship, The Writing Center, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2018-19
The Robert Adams Day Dissertation Year Fellowship, English Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2018-19
Travel Grant, Modernist Studies Association, 2018
Virginia Hyde Memorial Award for the Best Paper at the Virtual Graduate Student Conference, D.H. Lawrence Society of North America, 2018
Writing across the Curriculum Fellowship, Lehman College, 2017-18
Graduate Center Fellowship, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2013-18
Conference Presentation Support Grant, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2016 and 2017
Executive Committee, D.H. Lawrence Society of North America, 2025-27
Honors Program Committee, Hostos Community College, 2025-present
Curriculum Committee, English Department, Hostos Community College, 2024-present
Faculty-Student Disciplinary Committee, Hostos Community College, 2024-present
Chair, Senate Library Committee, Hostos Community College, 2022-present
Course Manager, ENG 111, Hostos Community College, 2022-present
ENG/ESL Placement, Hostos Community College, 2022-present
Senate Standing Committee on Disability Issues, Hostos Community College, 2022-present
English Department Representative, Senate Library Committee, Hostos Community College, 2020-present
Secretary, Executive Committee, PSC/CUNY, Hostos Community College Chapter, 2020-present
Senate Standing Committee on Facilities, Hostos Community College, 2020-present
Artificial Intelligence Task Force, Hostos Community College, 2024
Reader, Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Search Committee, Assistant Professor of English, Hostos Community College, 2024
Moderator, Hostos Student Symposium, 2023 and 2024
Alumni Mentor, English Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2022-23
Team Member, Believe in Students Hostos FAST Fund, 2022-23
Mentor, Northeast Modern Language Association Job Clinic, 2021-22
Mentor, Northeast Modern Language Association Publishing Mentorship Program, 2021
Recording Secretary, Senate Library Committee, Hostos Community College, 2020-22
Reader, Cogent Arts & Humanities, 2021
Coordinator, Environmental Justice Committee, PSC/CUNY, Hostos Community College Chapter, 2020-21
Search Committee, Associate Director for The Writing Center, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2019
Course Assessment Committee, English Student Association, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2018-19
Alumni and Fundraising Committee, English Student Association, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2017-19
Assistant Editor, The D.H. Lawrence Review, 2017-19
Interviewer, Alumni Recruiting Network, Oberlin College, 2014-19
New Student Mentor, English Student Association, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2014-19
Listserv Administrator, English Student Association, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2018
Assessment Scoring Committee, English Department, Lehman College, 2014-15 and 2016-17
Tutor, English Department Writing Lab, Lehman College, 2014
Research Assistant to Richard A. Kaye and Jane Marcus, 2013-14
Professional Affiliations
Drama Desk (Voting Member)
D.H. Lawrence Society of North America
Modern Language Association
The Modernist Studies Association
Northeast Modern Language Association